Tryouts for 2023-2024

Tryouts are open to all undergraduate and graduate students. If you want to try out for the team for the 2023-2024 academic year, here is how the process looks like:

  1. Fill out this form. Feel free to stop by at our stand at the Extracurricular Bazaar to meet us and hang out! It’ll be held on Sunday, September 3 from 10AM-12PM in Commons, with overflow into the Colonnade (columns) and Beinecke Plaza. We will be at the Colonnade.
  2. Tryouts last for two days (more info in the form). Every candidate will be assigned a time slot for the first day.
  3. If you qualify for the second round, you will be notified via email.
  4. Final results will be announced shortly after the end of the second round.

For any questions, feel free to contact Yiğit (men’s captain) at and/or Khat (women’s captain) at